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Concerned about higher-than-expected bills? Information is available here

B. Definition of Terms


A record of a Customer's business transactions with NB Power for electricity consumed and services rendered.

Apartment Building

Three or more self-contained dwelling units each having a separate entrance from a common hallway, lobby, or stairway.


Any person who applies or on whose behalf an application is made for any service provided by NB Power (ie. a potential Customer).

Base Rate

For each service or customer class set out in this Rate Schedules and Policies manual, the rate or charge approved by the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board exclusive of any Variance Account Credit/Charge that may be associated with that service or customer class.

Billing Period

The period of time for which a Customer is billed for services provided by NB Power.


Energy and Utilities Board of New Brunswick as provided for in the Energy and Utilities Board Act Chapter E-9.18.

Business Partner

A natural person or legal entity with whom NB Power has a business relationship. This can be an individual, an organization or group and can include a prospective customer.


A building used primarily for public worship.

Construction Charge

NB Power's total cost of extending its facilities. For standard overhead distribution facilities, the Construction Charge is the estimated cost times the contribution ratio specified under "Section O - Extension Of Overhead Facilities Charges.

Contract Account

One or more contracts grouped together which set the terms and conditions of NB Power's relationship with a Business Partner.


An individual, partnership, organization, corporation, institution, or business that is receiving or has received electrical energy or electrical services in New Brunswick from NB Power.

Customer Facilities

All facilities beyond the Delivery Point provided, owned, and maintained by the Customer (excluding Metering Equipment).

Delivery Point

The place defined by NB Power at which the Customer's Facilities and NB Power's Facilities are connected. Delivery Point is more specifically defined in Section K - Connection of Customer Facilities, Delivery Point.

Distribution System

All interests in land, structures, lines, transformers, and other facilities employed between the transmission system and the Delivery Point of the Customer.


A private suite of rooms used for living purposes in which the occupants have free access to all rooms.


A Farm is a holding on which agricultural operations are carried out. Agricultural operations include the production of field crops including grain, vegetables, seed and forage crops, animal and dairy products including milk, cream, eggs, meat and poultry products, poultry hatcheries, nurseries and greenhouses for the production of food crops or bedding plants, fur farms, apiaries, fish hatcheries and fish farms.

A Farm may be operated by the operator's labour alone or with the assistance of members of the house-hold or hired employees, or it may be operated by a partnership, corporation or other organization.

General Service

Rate Categories for Customers who use electricity for all purposes other than those specifically covered under the Residential, Industrial, street lighting or unmetered service categories.

Industrial Service

Rate Categories for Customers who use electricity chiefly for manufacturing, assembly or processing of goods, or the extraction of raw materials.

Metering Equipment

Meters and associated equipment, approved by Measurement Canada (or such other authority as may be from time to time charged with such responsibility), required for measuring demand and/or energy supplied to the Customer.

Metering Point

The place specified by NB Power at which power and energy supplied to a Premises are measured.

NB Power Facilities

The Distribution System up to the Delivery Point, together with the Metering Equipment provided, owned and maintained by NB Power.

Overhead Service Loop

Overhead secondary cable or conductors, together with their supports, extending from NB Power's overhead Distribution System to the Delivery Point.


One of the following:

  • A complete building such as an office building, factory, or house;
  • Part of a building such as a suite of offices in an office building or an apartment in an Apartment Building; the part of the building occupied must be adjoining and include no space not controlled by the Customer;
  • Group of buildings served by one electric service considered as one Customer for billing purposes.

Principal Residence

The Dwelling used most of the time by a Customer in a year.

Rate Category

Grouping of Customers to which a specific rate schedule applies; e.g., Residential - Rural, Residential - Urban.

Rental Facilities

Those facilities provided, owned and maintained by NB Power for which the Customer pays a rental charge.

Residential Service

Rate Categories for domestic use, use in Churches and Farms.

Service Charge

The monthly Service Charge (sometimes referred to as the Customer charge) is intended to recover the cost of the Customer being connected to the electrical system (i.e., certain infrastructure and maintenance costs that do not change with the amount of electricity consumed). These include the costs associated with providing the poles, wires, transformers, metering and billing. The Service Charge applies to Residential and General Service Customers.

Special Care Establishment

Premises used exclusively for the care of the elderly or disabled.

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

The standard coding system implemented by the Government of Canada for arranging producing units into industries. NB Power uses the SIC coding to assign the appropriate Rate Category to a Customer.

Temporary Facilities

Temporary Facilities are NB Power Facilities that are not expected to remain in place for the duration of their normal life cycle

Underground Service Loop

Customer owned underground secondary cables or conductors extending from the Delivery Point to the Customer's service entrance.

Variance Account Credit/Charge

An amount of money collected from, or reimbursed to, Customers on a kWh basis that settles the net balances that are calculated in accordance with Regulation 2022-17 of the Electricity Act (Regulatory Variance Accounts and Deferral Account Regulation). The total charge to Customers per kWh is the sum of the base rate and the Variance Account Credit/Charge.


