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Mandate Letter

As prescribed in the Accountability and Continuous Improvement Act, NB Power receives direction in the form of a mandate letter from the Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development.

NB Power strives to achieve the objectives set out in its mandate letter.

NB Power Amended Mandate Letter 2023

Memorandum of Understanding

The Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development, the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development and NB Power have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to provide a framework to enhance the parties' abilities to meet their respective legislative and policy objectives in a mutually beneficial fashion. Along with the New Brunswick Electricity Act, and the mandate letter which supports the relationship between Government and the Corporation, the terms and conditions of the this Memorandum of Understanding are intended to clarify their respective roles and responsibilities and to ensure complete and full disclosure of information, all in support of this objective.

Memorandum of Understanding

Performance Indicators

NB Power identifies key performance indicators and sets annual targets for these key performance indicators to advance the annual Business Plan and the long-term Strategic Plan 2023-2035 – Energizing our Future, reporting its progress in its quarterly and annual reports.

In accordance with the directive from the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board (EUB), NB Power also publishes additional performance indicators as identified during the 2023/24 General Rate Application and decision. Click here to find the 2023/24 Business Plan Key Performance Indicators published together with additional performance indicators and the results for fiscal 2023/24.


Report Regarding Forced Labour and Child Labour

In accordance with the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, S.C. 2023, c. 9  that came into force on January 1, 2024 New Brunswick Power Holding Corporation and its subsidiaries (collectively NB Power, we, our or us) has prepared the following report regarding Forced Labour and Child Labour for 2023/24. The report sets out the steps NB Power has taken in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child labour are used by NB Power’s operations or in the production of goods imported into Canada by NB Power.