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Membership and Dues

25 Year Club Constitution – Article III, Section 1 and 2 reads:

Section 1 - Membership shall be limited to employees with twenty-five (25) years of service or over with NB Power.

Section 2 - To qualify for membership, the employee is required to have twenty-five (25) full years of service time completed on or before the end of the month in which the annual meeting is held.

The criteria to determine eligibility for membership will be consistent with the policy, method and practice for determining service time used by NB Power at the time of the employee’s induction into the 25 Year Club.

Section 3 – Long Service Pins, along with a gold watch shall be awarded each employee upon attaining a minimum of 25 years.  Subsequent pins or a one-time ring will be awarded after each additional 5-year term of service has been completed.  To qualify, the employee must have completed the required number of years on or before the end of the month in which the annual meeting is held.

Section 4 – Membership dues for active and retired members shall be agreed upon at an annual general meeting.

Section 5 –

  • Inactive Listing – Any member, who is not celebrating a milestone, and is delinquent in dues payment for more than three (3) club years, shall be transferred from the active to the inactive listing. While on the inactive listing, the member shall not be on the mailing list for club materials and correspondence but shall continue as a member of the club.  Milestone employees will receive Annual Meeting materials and correspondence regardless of status.  The club records shall be reviewed annually in April, and any member so delinquent in dues shall be transferred to the inactive list at the time of review.  The member shall be notified by mail.
  • Members Requesting Transfer to Inactive Listing – Any member wishing to be transferred to the inactive listing may do so by contacting the club Secretary in writing and requesting same.
  • Re-instatement to Active Listing – Upon request in writing to the club Treasurer and payment of three years of outstanding dues, which includes the current year, a member shall be transferred back to the active listing.

For more than 40 years annual membership dues have been $10.00.  Due to escalating costs and lower membership, a motion to increase the yearly membership dues to

$20.00 per year was voted on and approved at the 2019 Annual General Meeting.

How are membership dues used by the club:

Membership Dues are used for all costs associated with the Annual Meeting (Coffee Break, Lunch, Social, Banquet, Live Entertainment, Raffle Auction, Prizes, Venue).

Although the club does have a healthy budget from NB Power for this yearly event, it does not cover the total cost.  The 25 Year Club Executive and Directors annually review the yearly costs in an effort to decrease costs where possible and be financially responsible with NB Power.

The 25 Year Club also uses money from membership dues towards a yearly commitment to local charity organizations such as Red Cross and shelters across the province and to cover other miscellaneous expenses. 

It is critical for our club to maintain its membership and their support by keeping annual dues paid up to date. 

Payment of Membership Dues:

For membership convenience, payment of membership dues can be paid by cheque or via e-transfer.  Please use e-mail address which is set up for automatic deposit into our club account.

VERY IMPORTANT – we ask members to use the Message section to identify your name and Year or Years members are submitting membership dues against.

Cheques are to be sent to the attention of Nathalie Labbe, HO 9 via internal mail or if using Canada Post, address to:

Nathalie Labbe

515 King Street, HO 9

Fredericton, NB
E3B 4X1

Questions on the status of membership dues can be directed to Diane Fraser at or send an e-mail to the inbox.