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Statement Regarding Oromocto Incident

April 29 2023

As a company that is committed to the safety of every employee and every member of the public, we are deeply troubled by the images that have appeared on social media showing an NB Power vehicle pushing a person involved in the Public Service Alliance of Canada strike in Oromocto today. 

This behaviour is truly unacceptable and will not be tolerated by NB Power. No NB Power employees were involved in this incident, but an NB Power vehicle was involved and therefore our reputation is at risk. 

The RCMP intervened, the truck was removed from the road and NB Power began an internal investigation immediately. The persons in the vehicle at the time of the incident were an instructor and two students who are part of a lineman training program. The instructor is employed by a private training company, and we have terminated his involvement with NB Power.  

All of our contractors are expected to uphold the same safety standards as NB Power.  We will continue to do our part to ensure the well-being of our employees and the community members we serve.


Help manage your energy on these extremely cold days

February 2 2023

Help manage your energy on these extremely cold days

We all know how quickly the weather in New Brunswick can change and this year is no different. Over the last few weeks, we’ve had snow, rain, freezing rain and now we are experiencing some very frigid temperatures. The lower the outside temperature, the more electricity we use to stay warm and energize our homes and businesses.

This week we are asking New Brunswickers to make small changes to manage their energy use during these extremely cold days and raise awareness about how we can all help reduce our electricity use. We will put a special focus on reducing peak electricity demand, which happens between 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. when most people begin and wind down their days. During these peak times, we use the most expensive and least green energy to power New Brunswick.

Since about 60% of New Brunswick homes heat with electricity, the province’s consumption peaks in the winter months – double the electricity needed on a warm summer day. Extreme cold puts a lot of demand on the electricity system, which means that NB Power must use the most expensive and least green energy to meet demand.

At NB Power we are also planning to cut our energy use during this period by turning down the heat and shutting off lights and equipment that are not being used.

Small changes like taking a shorter shower, running large appliances overnight, unplugging electronics not in use, and reducing the temperature in unoccupied rooms by a degree or two can make a big difference. These small changes can help alleviate pressure on our energy grid during high demand times.

Developing these small habits can help you manage your energy use during peak demand and all year long. To learn more about peak visit our website.

When New Brunswickers use less electricity, we all win.

Tiny Homes, Big Community

December 21 2022

Tiny Homes, Big Community

Over the past few years, tiny homes have become a popular housing solution around the world. With their lower costs and smaller footprint, these structures are helping to reshape communities. Tiny homes have become a social movement as people look to downsize and live a more sustainable lifestyle.

New Brunswick entrepreneur Marcel LeBrun has registered over 70 tiny homes in the New Home Energy Savings Program and has completed construction on 35 homes as of fall 2022. When Marcel first contacted our efficiency team, we knew this was a special project and we were very excited to be part of it.

"Marcel is a visionary, and these are the types of projects that will help us to reach our goal of cleaner energy for the future," said Lori Clark, President and CEO of NB Power, “we are very proud to partner with Marcel on this development.”

Left to right, 12 Neighbours Community Resident, Marcel LeBrun Founder, and Lori Clark President and CEO of NB Power


Our team gave Marcel energy efficiency kits, advice tailored to the unique energy needs of tiny homes, and $10,000 in incentives for each home. “It’s incredibly rewarding to see this community take shape as a world-class example of what is possible when we create a space with dignified housing, a supportive community, and developmental opportunity. I’m very appreciative of NB Power for their guidance and support through the New Home Energy Savings Program,” said Marcel LeBrun Founder of the 12 Neighbours Community.

The homes are approximately 240 square feet and have a bathroom, a full kitchen including a 2-burner induction stovetop and apartment sized fridge, cathedral ceilings, a covered front deck, and are equipped with energy efficient LED lighting. The new homes are airtight with a thermal envelope that is 105% better than code standards, with excellent ventilation through a heat-recovery ventilator (HRV). Each home has energy efficient features such as rigid insulation, which is one of the best tools to reduce energy costs, and triple glazed windows that reduce noise and deliver greater energy. Homes are equipped with 3.3 kW of solar panels, connecting approximately 30 homes to a 600 Amp service entrance resulting in a large distributed 100 kW solar array across each group of 30 homes, keeping within the Net Metering Policy.  

From left to right; Jeffrey St-Pierre, NB Power Technical Energy Advisor, Marcel Lebrun, 12 Neighbours Community Founder and Chairman, and Diane Spencer, NB Power Program Lead inside a tiny home.

Marcel is building more than just tiny homes. He is building a community. Everyone deserves safe, affordable, and permanent housing. Even more special is the vision for this community to see people overcome barriers to living a full and independent life. The community offers supports that help members achieve their personal goals, which may include substance use recovery counselling, opportunities to improve their health and education, and low barrier employment opportunities.

This community was a great opportunity for us at NB Power to learn from the vision of a local entrepreneur. We are very proud to partner with Marcel and are excited to watch this community grow and thrive. 

To learn more about the tiny home community visit

From left to right; Diane Spencer, NB Power Program Lead, Jeffrey St-Pierre, NB Power Technical Energy Advisor, and Miles Goff, Technical Energy Advisor in the 12 Neighbours Community.

Saying farewell to our osprey friends

September 15 2022

Saying farewell to our osprey friends

It’s nearing the end of the summer, which means it’s time for many species of birds to make their flight to sunnier skies, including the osprey. 

In order to ensure safe, reliable energy to our customers while also keeping osprey populations safe, NB Power follows an Avian Protection Plan (APP). The APP is designed to protect migratory birds by reducing the number of interactions birds make with electrical equipment. This is accomplished by identifying high-traffic osprey areas and modifying our structures with safer parts. The APP also directs maintenance crews on how to avoid and, when necessary, handle active bird nests. 

When nests do pose an immediate threat to reliability, biologists at the Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development help us take every step to avoid disturbing or destroying a nest while we work to make sure the power stays on. Today, over 300 active nests are found on the electrical system or on platforms installed by NB Power. We continue to work closely with the Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development when situations arise where an active nest must be trimmed or relocated to a platform due to safety or reliability concerns. 

This past spring, NB Power installed an osprey cam at Hazen Park in Oromocto which features one of these nesting platforms. We have had the pleasure to watch an osprey nest and hatch two eggs and witness two baby osprey grow and flourish in their nest. You can check out the webcam here to say farewell and stay tuned next spring for their return. They’re very active these days, so you may or may not catch a glimpse!

These are just a few examples of how we’ve been working together with New Brunswickers to help preserve our province’s natural beauty for years to come. Click here to visit the Environment section of our website, where you can learn about how we preserve our environment, reduce emissions and help reduce the effects of climate change through energy efficiency. 

Efficiency Employee Recognized for Leadership

September 9 2022

Efficiency Employee Recognized for Leadership

Diane Spencer, NB Power’s Residential Energy Efficiency Lead, has received the Canadian Home Builders’ Association’s (CHBA) biggest accolade: its Hall of Honour Award.

The Hall of Honour Award recognizes a CHBA member’s extraordinary contributions to the Association and/or New Brunswick’s residential construction industry.

The Hall of Honour is usually reserved for past presidents of the CHBA, which makes Diane receiving this honour even more impressive!

While she is passionate about all things energy efficiency now, Diane’s career started in a different part of the energy industry.

Since 2001, Diane has worked at NB Power, having started in Reactor Safety at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. Diane moved into energy efficiency in 2016 as the program lead for residential energy efficiency and runs the Total Home and New Home energy saving programs.

Joining the efficiency team meant a shift from working behind the scenes to a more customer-centric role for Diane. Their team works to help New Brunswickers maximize their energy savings and improve quality of life in the process.

Since 2016, Diane, the energy efficiency team and the CHBA have provided energy efficiency training to builders, energy advisors, heating and ventilation contractors, building officials, real estate agents, and customers in the residential construction industry.

“There has been a remarkable difference working with home builders since Diane entered the picture,” said Claudia Simmonds, Chief Executive Officer of the CHBA’s New Brunswick Branch. “That’s why she was chosen for this award. Because she showed up and just changed the course with her enthusiasm and collaboration.”

Diane, who lives in Saint John with her family, is honoured to receive the award.

“Energy efficiency is good for the environment by reducing energy use, good for the New Brunswickers by reducing their bills and making their homes more comfortable and it’s good for the economy,” said Diane. “I continue to look forward to what we can do together to support each other in advancing the residential energy efficiency for this province. We are making people’s lives better today and for our future generations.”

We are so proud of Diane’s accomplishments throughout her career and can’t wait to see what she does next. Congratulations Diane!