Smart Grid Atlantic
Investing in reliability and clean energy
Our customers value reliable, clean energy at an affordable price.
That’s why we’re investing in projects, partnerships and programs that keep our grid strong and rates reasonable while we transition to cleaner energy.
Smart Grid Atlantic is a federally funded research program with clean energy technology projects in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
NB Power is proud to participate in Smart Grid Atlantic with the Shediac Smart Energy Community Project.
About Smart Grid Atlantic
Smart Grid Atlantic is funded by Natural Resources Canada, Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED) with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) as lead research partner. Other partners include Siemens Canada and Nova Scotia Power.

generating more customer-owned and community-based renewable energy

developing new software to manage the challenges and maximize the potential of renewable energy

using new smart energy technologies to get more information and control over your energy use

increasing the resilience of homes, neighbourhoods and New Brunswick’s electricity system