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Building Tomorrow's Grid

The future of energy is changing

Customer expectations, climate change and new technology are causing significant changes to the future of energy. To keep pace, we are changing too.

Today, we are building the power grid we need tomorrow - a modern digital energy network that will:

  • give you more options for saving money, time and electricity
  • communicate with us so we can respond to outages more quickly
  • connect easily with customer-owned renewable energy sources

A modern grid is smarter, cleaner, more resilient and efficient so you will have more choices and opportunities in the future for how you use energy to power your life.


Benefits of building a smart grid


A more reliable and resilient grid

A more reliable and resilient grid

Smart grid technology will give us more information, visibility and control over our power system. This will help us know about power outages and other grid issues in near real-time and be able to react and respond faster.

Cleaner energy

Cleaner energy

Renewable energy, like solar and wind, is more difficult to predict and control than traditional generation. A smarter grid will help manage that complexity and integrate more renewables and customer-owned energy sources seamlessly and safely. That means a greener future for New Brunswick!

Maintain stable, affordable rates

Maintain stable, affordable rates

A smarter grid will help keep rates low and stable by allowing us to:
• use distributed energy resources (DERs) for energy generation and reduce our need to build new large power plants
• operate the grid more efficiently
• offer demand side management (DSM) programs to reduce expensive peak demand

Save electricity, time and money

Save electricity, time and money

A smart grid will give you secure and easy access to your energy data so you can make informed decisions on things like energy products, programs and technologies that can help you save electricity, time and money.

More options to power your life

More options to power your life

Energy efficiency technologies, solar panels, electric vehicles and energy storage are rapidly changing our relationship with energy for the better, and lowering our carbon footprint too.

Contributes to New Brunswick’s economy

Contributes to New Brunswick’s economy

A smarter grid is bringing interest and new investment in smart energy research and development, as well as new opportunities to attract local and global talent. This fosters innovation, collaboration and partnerships that grow the economy.

Everyone will benefit from a modernized grid

A smarter grid is key to unlocking an innovative, sustainable and bright future for New Brunswick.


Picture of fall in New Brunswick