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Dalhousie Decommissioning Phase II

photo of Dalhousie lighthouse

Project Background

The Dalhousie Generating Station closure and decommissioning, referred to as Phase I, occurred over a four-year period between 2013 to 2017. This included removal of a portion of the fuel pipeline and infrastructure at the Port of Dalhousie. Dalhousie Decommissioning Phase II will include removal of the remaining fuel pipeline; which historically transported fuel from the West Wharf at the Port of Dalhousie, through the town to the Dalhousie Generating Station, and decommissioning of the tank farm and existing infrastructure at the station site. 

An Environmental Impact Assessment for the closure and decommissioning of the Dalhousie Generating Station was completed in November 2012 and the Department of Environment and Local Government issued the Minister’s Determination, Conditions for Approval on July 22, 2013. NB Power continues to monitor the decommissioned site to ensure conditions remain within acceptable environmental limits.

Before NB Power can proceed with Phase II, it will seek approval from the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board to decommission the remaining fuel pipeline.

Proposed Project Schedule

Project Activities Timelines
Engagement with First Nations and Stakeholders Ongoing throughout the project
Planning and engineering Winter / Spring 2021
Regulatory permitting Winter / Spring 2022
Procurement (fuel pipeline) Spring / Summer 2022
Decommission activities commence (fuel pipeline) Summer / Fall 2022

Environmental Impact Assessment

The Environmental Impact Assessment and Conditions for Approval are available on the Department of Environment and Local Government’s website.

More Questions?

For more information on this project, contact us at